About Alpha Guardians
We are a Guardianship Company based in Suffolk UK, approximately one hour from London and Cambridge. Our Head Office is based on the Innovation Martlesham Park, giving us excellent access to many of our schools, students and host families. All of our students are based locally with no student more than one hour away from The Alpha Team at Head Office.
Alpha Guardians prides itself in providing quality and personal service to every student, enabling us to get to know each one in our care. We understand that being away from home can be an anxious time for both parents and students alike, particularly as preparations begin, and many things may seem unfamiliar. At Alpha Guardians, our aim is to provide support right from your enquiry, through to arrival and onwards as they begin their time in the UK.

Once your child arrives in the UK, this is done through regular visits and support from The Alpha Team, and our experienced English speaking Host Families, ensuring that your child adjusts as quickly as possible to their life in the UK and enabling them to gain the most from their experience. Many Alpha Students have gained excellent examination results and progressed onto Further Education including top ranking British Universities.
Having all worked and studied in the Child and Student Sector, The Alpha Team is able to bring a wealth of experience and expertise in providing excellent care and support for its’ students. From homesickness to exam stress, school entry to top exam results, we have assisted many students through the highs and lows of the student experience, being a shoulder to cry on or part of the celebrations. Whatever the situation we realise the importance of students being able to contact us, receive a visit, telephone call or supportive message. We have all hosted International Students personally, giving further insight into student needs.
Throughout your childs’ time with Alpha Guardians you will receive regular written reports updating you their on school progress and other important matters, attendance and behaviour. Alpha Guardians will attend Parents Evening and a full written report will be sent. We also provide 24/7 advice and support on welfare, academic and pastoral matters as well as student life and living in the UK, so no matter what the question or issue, we can help.
The Team
They are only a quick call away and are always happy to offer advice and support and because it’s always nice to put a face to a name…

Trudy Jacklin
Program Director
Trudy has worked in the Guardianship Sector for over 10 years with students from many different countries and cultures. Prior to that she worked with children and young people within the NHS. She is married to Mark and has two older teenage children who are studying and working locally. She lives near Ipswich and has personally hosted students in her home.

Mark Jacklin
Mark also works with us in the Office and supports us in transportation and logistics. He regularly helps us with students for half terms, holidays and exeats. He also runs his own company alongside Alpha Guardians.

Sarah Stallard
Safeguarding & Prevent Lead and Student Consultant
Sarah works closely with students in our care, supporting them day to day to ensure they are progressing. She visits both students and hosts and monitors their well-being and Educational Progress. Sarah lives in Suffolk with her partner and young family.

Nigel Shaddick
Safeguarding Advisor
Nigel has worked for Alpha Guardians since the company was formed. He has many years of Safeguarding experience, having worked in this sector for over 20 years. Nigel is married and lives in Suffolk. He has grown up children and grandchildren.
Alpha Brochure Downloads
Please click on one of our brochures to view.
Alpha Policy Downloads
Please click on one of our policies to view.
This policy is designed to give guidance for students wishing to travel outside their town of residence, we have tried to make it clear for students, parents, hosts and agents.
Alpha Policy Downloads
Please click on one of our policies to view.
Acceptable Use Policy
This acceptable use policy sets out the terms between you and us under which you may access our website alphaguardians.co.uk (our site). This acceptable use policy applies to all users of, and visitors to, our site.
Behaviour Policy
To gain the best from their time in the UK it is important that students’ take responsibility for themselves and their actions, within the confines set for them by their age, school, host family or Alpha Guardians.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Alpha Guardians is committed to providing an excellent, high quality service for all stakeholders. Many issues can often be resolved effectively before the need for a formal complaint arises, and we would always prefer this route in the first instance. Occasionally, when matters cannot be resolved informally, it is necessary for a more formal route to be taken.
Cookie Policy
Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site. [By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.]
Corona Virus Plan for Host Families
This plan is written in preparation for students returning to Alpha Guardians in September 2020 and for the coming academic year to ensure the safety and wellbeing of both the students and the host families they are placed with.
Covid 19 Policy
Our Covid 19 Policy sets out the practices and procedures Alpha Guardians will follow when caring for students during the current Corona Virus Pandemic.
Data Breach Policy
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is based around six principles of handling of personal data. We must comply with all six principles as a business; otherwise we’ll be in breach of the GDPR.
Privacy Policy
This policy (together with our terms of use and any other documents referred to on it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us.
Student Cancellation and Withdrawal Policy
At Alpha Guardians we want you to be reassured by all that we are putting in place, or already have in place, to recieve students back safely to the UK and our care in what we can only class as unprecented times during the Corona Virus pandemic.
Contact Us
For more information on our services, please complete the form below;